Women’s Urinary Incontinence: What IS Normal? 7 Questions for You…

When it comes to women’s urinary incontinence, what IS normal? How do you know if you have urinary incontinence or just have to pee a lot? Is a little leakage OK?

These are common questions that women often wonder about. We have taken 7 of the most common questions regarding women’s urinary incontinence, and answered them! If you wonder… read on!

7 Questions to Ask Yourself About Women’s Urinary Incontinence
If you sometimes wonder what’s “normal” when it comes to your urinary habits, check out the answers to these 7 common questions.

How much urine can a healthy bladder hold?
If your bladder is healthy, it should be able to hold up to two cups of urine easily for two to five hours.

How often should you need to urinate?
If your urinary system is healthy, you should not experience the urge to urinate more than eight per day. In addition, you should not need to urinate shortly after you have emptied your bladder

Is urinating at night normal?
For women with a healthy urinary system, getting up at night to urinate should not be a normal occurrence. Exceptions can happen if you drink fluids too late in the day, drink excessive amounts of fluid, or have had any food or drink that irritate the bladder (including alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, or acidic food).

Is it normal for certain foods or drinks to cause you to urinate more?
Yes, certain foods and drinks are known as bladder irritants. While these classes of foods and beverages do not affect all women the same way, they can have an irritating effect on many a woman’s bladder. Which foods should you avoid? Check out the article HERE.

Is urinary leakage normal?
Urinary incontinence or leakage is not normal at any age. Acceptance of this health condition as a normal sign of aging is the second most common reason women don’t seek help from a physician. Embarrassment about talking to a doctor about urine leakage tops the list, followed by women thinking that urinary incontinence “wasn’t enough of a problem.” As a result, less than 50% of women with urinary incontinence seek medical help, and those who do get help wait almost seven years. Don’t become part of that statistic! If you leak urine, seek medical help right away!

Is defensive voiding (“urinating just in case”) normal?
If you go to the bathroom often, “just in case” you might need to later, then you are practicing what is called defensive voiding. Women practice defensive voiding so that they can sit through a movie or make it all way through dinner without jumping up to use the ladies room. Defensive voiding is a sign of overactive bladder (OAB) or urge urinary incontinence. It is not normal. If you practice defensive voiding, seek help from your doctor.

Is sudden urinary urgency normal?
If the sound of running water, sudden immersion in cold water, a change in body position, or smoking causes you to experience urinary urgency, you need to call your doctor. Chances are that you have overactive bladder or urge urinary incontinence. If your urinary system is healthy and normal–and you pay attention to your body’s needs–you should never have to run for the bathroom!

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