Women’s Urinary Incontinence: Getting the Answers You Need

When you finally work up the courage to call your doctor for help with your urinary incontinence, know that you have taken a giant stride towards better health. If it has taken many years for you to seek help, you should also know that you are not alone in dragging your feet. On average women with urinary incontinence wait almost 7 years before getting help.The important thing is that you have taken the first step.Women’s Urinary Incontinence: Talking to Your Doctor
One of the biggest misconceptions that patients have is that their doctors have all the answers. While your doctor does know a lot about health, and hopefully about women’s urinary incontinence, he or she may not answer all the questions you may have about your urinary incontinence unless you ask the right questions.Having a productive conversation with your doctor is really about ensuring that your discussion is a two-way street. Your physician will certainly have questions for you about your urinary leakage and other aspects of your health.At the same time you should prepare a list of questions before your appointment to be sure that you get the answers you need about your urinary incontinence. If you are unsure about which questions to ask your physician, here is a list to get you started:

  • Which type of incontinence do I have (stress, overactive bladder or urge, mixed)?
  • Are all of my pelvic organs still in the right place or have some prolapsed?
  • Can my symptoms be improved or cured with conservative measures?
  • Will I need further tests to assess my condition?
  • Will lifestyle changes or behavior modification help my condition?
  • Are any of my current medications making my symptoms worse?
  • Are there any medications that can improve my symptoms?
  • Will I need surgery and if so what type?
  • Are there any other issues related to my urinary incontinence that I should know about?

Women’s Urinary Incontinence: Persistence Pays
You may have other questions specific to your situation that you want your physician to answer, and the list above will at least give you a starting point for making your question list. Then all you have to do is be sure to ask all of these questions during your appointment.

If any of the answers are unclear be sure to ask for clarification. Remember, the healthcare system is supposed to be patient–centered. That means that you, as the patient, are at the center of this process. Getting your questions answered is just as important as answering all the questions your physician may have for you. Sometimes this requires a little persistence, and you will find that this persistence will pay off in the long run.

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