Women’s Urinary Incontinence: Do You Need a Note from Your Doctor?

Did you know that getting a note from your doctor may help you handle your urinary incontinence at work? We’re not kidding. As silly as it might seem, many mature adult career women really are getting notes from their doctors to help them cope with urine leakage issues while on the job.While you might be thinking that the days of getting a “hall pass” to go to the bathroom ended in high school, if you have women’s urinary incontinence you might find that a note from your doctor will really help you at work.Let Your Doctor Do the Talking
Urinary incontinence is an issue that women have difficulty discussing, even with their own doctors. This health issue is also a very private matter, which means that you probably don’t want everyone you work with to know about your condition.At the same time, you still have to deal with urine leakage accidents and the need to visit the bathroom frequently, often at the most inopportune times. This can be embarrassing and potentially cause problems at work, especially if you have to suddenly leave an important meeting to run for the bathroom.

Getting a note from your doctor that simply explains that you have a medical condition which requires you to get up every two hours can solve the problem. May Wakamatsu, MD, chief of Vincent Urogynecoloy in Boston, indicates that it’s not necessary to tell your employer the exact details of your medical condition. Instead, she says, “All you need to say is, ‘I have a medical problem that requires treatment.'”

Dr. Wakamatsu has written notes to this effect for her women patients to give to their employers. This note gives women the freedom to go to the bathroom often without having to explain the frequency of their absences. Dr. Wakamatsu adds, “It’s a very private, personal problem – and I’m not sure you need to explain it at work.”

We agree. What’s up down there is a personal and very private issue. Getting a note from your doctor may be the perfect way to let your employer know that you have a diagnosed medical condition that requires you to step away from your work every couple hours. Then there’s no need to explain. Let the note from your doctor do all the explaining.

We encourage you to explore the option of getting a note from your doctor if the symptoms of your women’s urinary incontinence have been getting in your way at work. It is one more approach to help you simplify the way that you handle your urinary incontinence.

Also, check out our free “What’s Up Down There” ebook for more information on pelvic floor health and how you can improve yours!

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