What’s Up Down There? Ebook Tells if You are Loose as a Goose or …?

Kegels. Most women have heard of them. Some women do them. Very few women actually do them correctly!

Yet, doing correct Kegels on a regular basis can have a huge positive impact on a woman’s pelvic floor health, sex life, and even self confidence.

Correct pelvic floor exercises are especially important for women suffering from urinary incontinence, since toning the pelvic floor muscles can often improve or even cure symptoms.

But Kegels and other pelvic floor exercises only help if you do them correctly, and to help more women do better Kegels, we’ve developed an educational and fun quick guide for women who want to know:

“What’s up down there?”

Are You as Loose as a Goose or a Pelvic Floor Goddess
Believe it or not, quite a few women are “as loose as a goose” down there and don’t even know it. Some women are simply born with less-than-toned pelvic floor muscles while other women lose tone down there as a result of giving birth or aging.

Our short no-cost ebook guide gives you two self-tests you can perform to determine your pelvic floor status: loose as a goose, pelvic floor goddess, or somewhere in between.

In addition, we offer detailed step-by-step instructions on how to do a correct pelvic floor contraction, or Kegel. We also “troubleshoot” the problem areas most women have while doing Kegels, ensuring that you are engaging the right pelvic muscles during a Kegel.

Easy as pie … To download this free ebook written especially for women’s pelvic floor health, just visit our download page:

Download the Ebook Here

By downloading the ebook you are taking the first step to becoming a pelvic floor goddess! Plus, we’ll keep you informed of any new women’s health and pelvic floor resources we develop just for you.

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