Urinary Incontinence: Does the Sound of Water Make You “Go”?

When it comes to urinary incontinence, most women just know that they have to deal with wet panties and endless inconvenience. What a lot of women don’t know is that there are actually three kinds of urinary incontinence:

– Stress Urinary Incontinence
– Urge Urinary Incontinence
– Mixed Urinary Incontinence

If the sound of water makes you leak urine, then you most likely have urge urinary incontinence, which is also called overactive bladder. If you also leak urine when you cough or sneeze, then you have mixed urinary incontinence, which is a combination of stress and urge urinary incontinence. Finally, if you only have urine leakage when you put pressure on your abdominal cavity, like when you step off a curb or jump around, then you have stress urinary incontinence.

It’s important to know what kind of urinary incontinence you have so you can get the right treatment. Each kind of urinary incontinence is treated differently.

To learn more about each of the different kinds of women’s urinary incontinence, check out the links below. Knowledge is power. If you are tired of dealing with wet panties and adult diapers, the first step in changing your life is to learn more. Start learning here:

Stress Urinary Incontinence
Urge Urinary Incontinence
Mixed Urinary Incontinence

And then, visit a doctor to get a true diagnosis of your condition. Need help finding a doctor? Here are some tips to get you started:

Find the Right Doctor


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