Stress Urinary Incontinence: Is Transobturator Tape Surgery Right for You?

“Don’t touch me with that knife!”

That is the instinctive response many women suffering from urinary incontinence have when they think about surgery to correct their symptoms. But for women with stress urinary incontinence, minimally-invasive surgery can be a real boon when conservative therapies are not enough to significantly relieve or cure their symptoms.

The Transobturator Tape and Urinary Incontinence
One of the most common surgeries to correct stress urinary incontinence is the transobturator tape. With this surgery a mesh tape is inserted around the urethra to support it like a hammock. This hammock helps the urethra close more tightly during times of stress, such as when you cough or sneeze. The tape is permanent, and the body’s natural healing process anchors it into place.

This surgery requires only three tiny incisions, and can be performed as a day surgery. Success rates are high with the transobturator tape. A recent study published in a urology journal reported that 90% of women who had this surgery to correct stress urinary incontinence were completely cured. A further 5% reported that their symptoms were improved.

One Woman’s Experience with the Transobturator Tape
If you’re not sure whether conservative surgery, such as the transobturator tape, is right for you, discuss your concerns in detail with your healthcare specialist. Also, consider the interview below with a patient who has recently undergone this procedure for her stress urinary incontinence. Her experience and excellent results may help you feel more comfortable about exploring this procedure for yourself.

Are you pleased with the results of your TOT?
Oh, yes, this has changed my life.

How so?
I can exercise again without fear of leakage, and I am losing some weight. I can sit through a movie and through church. Maybe best of all, I can have sex with my husband without fear of peeing on him.

Are you sorry you waited so long to have the surgery?
Absolutely. I tell all my friends to go see their doctors if they share this embarrassing problem. 

How was your recovery?
It was virtually painless. I think I took two pain pills the first night, and after that, only Tylenol.

What else would you like to tell the women out there who are still leaking urine? 
Get help! You don’t have to live this way. Do it now. Life’s too short to be running around with wet underwear.

Words of Wisdom and Resources for Urinary Incontinence
We hope the words of wisdom and experience above help you better consider your treatment options for urinary incontinence

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