Need a Slushy? Help for Women’s Urinary Incontinence

If you have women’s urinary incontinence then you are probably familiar with a long list of things you can and can’t eat and drink. For instance, caffeinated drinks and acidic foods are definitely on the “don’t touch” list.On the other hand, plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables top the list of foods you should eat. And while you may be very diligent about what you eat and drink, there are times when you may find yourself lapsing from your prescribed diet.

Don’t worry. If you just can’t help yourself and you “sin” at a party or chug a few too many cups of coffee, we have the perfect solution for you: a slushy!

The Bicarbonate Slush for Women’s Urinary Incontinence
When you think of the word “slushy,” you may think of a hot-pink icy drink you get from the local convenience store, but that’s not what we mean. When we say “slushy,” we mean a bicarbonate slush, otherwise known as a quick fix for when you veer off your bladder-healthy diet.

Making and drinking a bicarbonate slush can help reduce urine acidity and dilute any effects of specific food or drink irritants. It’s easy to make this slush. Here’s how:

1. Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda with 16 ounces of water.
2. Drink this slush and immediately
3. Drink an additional eight ounces of plain water.

If you are prone to salt retention or have high blood pressure, check with your healthcare provider before using bicarbonate slushes, as baking soda can be contraindicated.

Other Options for Dietary Indiscretions
If bicarbonate slushes don’t appeal to you (or you don’t have immediate access to baking soda), another option for alleviating your dietary indiscretions is simply to drink more water. Drinking plenty of water may reduce urine acidity and dilute any effects of these specific irritants.

If you have urinary incontinence, optimally you should drink four to nine cups of water daily. If your urine leakage or bladder symptoms get worse, you can immediately drink more water for dilution. If possible, keep your water intake to a minimum after 6 pm to prevent late-night urine leakage accidents.

Also, if you know you are going to be in a situation where you can’t avoid acidic or bladder-irritating foods, go with “the usual” coping mechanisms:

1. Wear dark clothing so that urine leakage won’t show
2. Pack extra incontinence pads or diapers
3. Stick with options to coffee (like Kava or sun-brewed tea), as well as low-acid food like apricots, papayas, pears, and watermelons

Hopefully, the slushy and these other options will help alleviate your urinary leakage symptoms in a simple and effective way.

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